I wrote a book, Life Under the Corporate Microscope, chronicling my 26 year career with the car rental giant, Enterprise. It's been selling at a pretty good pace on Amazon, although not what I envisioned when I first published it early this year.
I figured every living ex-employee and every living current employee (redundant, eh?) would want a copy (or 2...or 3) to call their very own. Then reality set it. Sure, it's getting read by a lot of people, but it's been surprisingly "shared" by a fairly large circle of cronies. Book sharing? I suppose in this economy, saving a few bucks is important...
Just when I was on the verge of abandoning my marketing efforts, I've noticed a sharp spike in sales. I suppose "word of mouth" is helping out, or maybe it's all those reviews I've done on Amazon over the past several months. I read a lot; and I review a lot.
According to the head of Outskirts Press, my self-publisher (the cost effective way to go)---a guy by the name of Brent Sampson---it you really want your book to be a best-seller on Amazon, you'd better get busy doing those reviews...lots of 'em. Currently, I'm closing in on the 300 review plateau...
When people log on to Amazon to check out the latest bestseller, they'll more than likely see a review from me, Uncle Larry. If they like what I've written in the review section, they might be even tempted to actually buy one of my masterpieces. It really is good; I just polished off another reading session last night, and I think I'm appreciating its brilliance more with time (why, I don't know).
Of course, another marketing ploy is becoming a credible authority in the world of the internet. I've been hooked on Twitter for six months now and I've got a base of "followers" over 4000 now. By engaging in real time conversation with these folks, I'm building credibility...and some of those fellow Twitter-ers...have been checking out this book. Very clever, indeed...
Now, I've got to accomplish two missions if I'm going to keep the sales momentum going...
NUMBER 1: I need the public to head over to Amazon buy my book; and very importantly post a 5 star review for my wonderful book. For your safety and convenience, here's the direct link to get you over there: http://bit.ly/b2pBY
NUMBER 2: I need the public to head over to Amazon and read my stellar reviews as well. At the conclusion of my enlightening and engaging review, when asked if my review was helpful...vote YES! I guarantee that review was helpful; take my word for it---more help from me to you.
Thanks for visiting. I'll return again when I have something relevent to post...
Now go buy a (another) copy of my book...Everybody needs at least 5 or 6...They make great stocking stuffers and whatnot...
Still not convinced? Go to my Author's Web-Page: http://www.outskirtspress.com/LarryUnderwood
Hi Larry - nice work here and in your increased book sales. Looking forward to touching base on Twitter from time to time.