Over the years, I've read hundreds (maybe thousands?) of books related to the subjects of "business" and "motivation". Most of the books I've read have been worthy efforst; some quite profound. Rarely have I read a boring or mundane book about anything, simply because I could usually spot them shortly after the introduction; maybe slightly past "chapter one". I don't count those brief forarys into mediocrity as having "read" those particular books. I'd stop before I wasted any more of my precious time. When you get to be my age, the last thing you want to do is waste any time on a futile activity, although one might argue that my attempt to play golf was a tremendous waste of time. After all, I sucked at golf; now I stick to bowling.
Certainly, my golf skills were never better than slightly "above average", and I had many embarassing moments on the links, however, I rarely had a round of golf that I didn't enjoy. Henceforth, my time spent hacking the ball from one side of the course to the other was time well-spent, simply because I had fun.
Reading boring books isn't fun.
Now that I'm a big-time Amazon author and reviewer, I thought it would be nice to share with the world the 40 business & motivational books that I really think have the most value. You won't be disappointed you perused these gems. Naturally, mine's on there, for two reasons: (1) I think it's great (2) I want you to buy it because I really believe you'll agree and I need the commission. Yes, there were three reasons there, disguised as two.
Big deal. Where would we be as a society without shameless self-promotion? Don't answer that.
Do read these books; you won't regret it.
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